Shipment transit time

My order has shipped. How much longer is it before the order has been delivered to me?

Once your order has been palletized and fulfilled, you will receive a shipping confirmation email with tracking information for each part of your order. If you ordered more than one type of tile, you might receive more than one shipping confirmation email because some tiles are shipped from different warehouses. Additionally, if you order multiple tiles, each may have a designated tracking number depending on the product ordered.

The tracking information available on our freight provider's website typically shows an estimated delivery date. However, please note that this date refers to the estimated arrival time at your local service center, not at your destination address.

Final delivery will depend on the availability of delivery agents in your area. The freight provider will contact the shipping contact you provided to schedule the final delivery, which will be made curbside. 

If there are any issues with your delivery, please contact us with any additional questions at or Monday - Friday from 7am - 5pm PST at (415) 887-9011.